Antwerp has very old roots and with the decline of of Bruges as harbor Antwerp become important and with the garment industry rich. But also the faith of Antwerp was often changing. Also in modern times. In the Second World War the City was heavily destroyed.
Cathedral of Our Lady
The Cathedral is an impressive building including also some masterpieces of P.P. Rubens. I shot several photos to give you an idea of the building inside.

In the Town
After visiting the Cathedral we went to the Grote Markt, the Center Place of Antwerp. Here you can visit the glory of an ancient time. But remember this all was destroyed after the second World Ware. I will present you also other photos I took during other walks through the city.

The Museum of Fine Arts (Museum voor Schone Kunsten)
This museum is really a place to stay more than one day. Opened in fall 2023 it presents many styles of art in incredible architecture, where modern and old styles are mixed.

Other Highlights
Antwerp offers many other opportunities for culture, architecture, savor, … . Here you will find many restaurants with a very good quality. Also the new lodging areas at the harbor of Antwerp are worth a visit. I have been also at the Rubens House but it will be closed for renovation in the next time. Nevertheless I will present you a self portrait of P.P. Rubens and the last finished building of Zara Hadid used now by the Port Authority of Antwerp (Sorry for the quality of the image but the light conditions where very bad).