At the beginning of October I was in Berlin. At this time Germany celebrated the 30 anniversaire of reunification. But at this time Berlin was a corona hot spot in Germany. So I avoided to travel into crowdy places. But nevertheless I could take some impressive photos.
First of all I visited the America Haus near Hardenbergplatz / Bahnhof Zoo. Now here you will find C/O Berlin a Photo Gallery / Museum
Near the C/O Gallery you will also the Helmut Newton Museum just walking accross the Hardenbergstr. On the backside of the Bahnhof Zoo.
Here some photos from buildings you will find not so far away:
In the former East Berlin I visited the Pariser Platz and the Gärten der Welt in Berlin Marzahn. The Gärten der Welt had been the former place for the IGA in 2017.
Gärten der Welt Chinese Garden Gärten der Welt Christlicher Garten Hotel Adlon Brandenburger Tor
Photolocations in / around Berlin
Berlin can be titled as City of Images. At any corner you will find motives worth a photo. Please note: also visit areas not well known. Even the view from the waterfront on lakes and rivers is very beautifull.
At this time in Berlin I have visit the Gutshaus Schwante in Schwante near Berlin. In the park you will find an impressive collection of modern sculptures.